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Reflection – Block 3

June 10, 2013

The process for our project is shaping up but it is an issue in our team to get together at the same time.
In the past week we’ve concentrated mainly on the activity in creating our storyboards. I’ve created my storyboard in Lino and added it to the project site – a screenshot and a link. I’ve enjoyed this activity. It reminded me of Yishay Mor’s video where he explained linking the personas and targets, linking them to illustrate connections. Yet in the storyboard it is more about how to organize potential activities for learners/visitors and get feedback in the design.  As there is only one other storyboard added to the project site, I’ve commented on it. Initially I’ve also started to contribute to the collaborative lino started by one of our group members but then rather contributed to the Google template which is now added to the project site – to which we’ve contributed collaboratively. Currently we are contributing to the Features and notes site but I find the OpenDesignStudio not always easy to use – a bit frustrating, e.g. I tried to add in the “Features and notes” are of the site ut didn’t manage – find it not user friendly.
Another issue is the roles for team members were identified but I think we have different understandings of what it implies. I have the role of an information manager – to me all the templates are already in place where we add and contribute our information – thus my role in this capacity is less active. At my workplace I work with information in databases, I don’t create databases.

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One Comment
  1. Alan Clarke permalink

    Hi Cecilia

    I think you are expressing some of the issues around online groups – there are difficulties having meetings that everyone can attend, misunderstandings about roles etc. They are part of nature of working at a distance. However, I am astonished how much has been done in such a short time which demonstrates that you are overcoming any problems you encounter.

    Well done


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